
Servals have the largest ears and longest legs of the cat family, relative to body size. They are tawny or pale gold.

Leptailurus serval
Conservation status: Cites Appendix II. IUCN Red List: Least Concern
Distribution: Widespread in sub-Saharan Africa except for rainforest, semi-desert and true desert.
Habitat: Servals have the largest ears and longest legs of the cat family relative to body size. Head and body length average 85cm. Shoulder height 40-65cm. Tail length 24-45cm. Weight 9-20kg.
Colour: Tawny or pale gold, marked with round black spots. Spots merge into longitudinal stripes on neck and back. Tail tipped in black. Spots and rings in the distal half. The black ears have central white bars. Skulls are elongate.
Feeding: Opportunistic. Rodent specialists. Mammalian prey (89%) includes hares hyraxes, lizards, mole rats, frogs, insects, fish and birds. May take small antelope and domestic poultry.
Breeding: Gestation 66-77 days. Three to five kittens born in a den in dense vegetation or an abandoned burrow.
Lifespan: 12 to 20 years.
Social system: Solitary except for pairing.

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