
African Wild Cat
The African Wild Cat roams the steppes, savannah and bush land of Africa and the Middle East.
Black-Footed Cat
The Black-Footed Cat roams the savannah and steppes of Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. It is marginally distributed in Zimbabwe and Angola.
The Caracal inhabits dry steppes, semi-desert, woodlands, savannah and scrub forest. It is widespread south of the Sahara.
The Serval prefers well-watered savannah and is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa except for rainforest, semi-desert and true desert.
Habitat Environments
Sweeping winter grasslands studded with flame- coloured aloes near Pearston in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. This is a typical habitat for the Karoo cat species of Caracal, Black-Footed Cat and African Wild Cat.
Savannah: Grassland with widely-spaced trees.
Steppes: A plain without trees, dominated by short grasses.

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