‘Farming with a jackal’: Power relations in Black-backed jackal (Canidae: Lupulella mesomelas)management around the Square Kilometre Array core site in South Africa
Assessing local patterns in carnivore occupancy and richness by camera trapping: a monitoring of diversity at Verloren Vallei NatureReserve, Dullstroom, Mpumalanga 2022
Black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) from semi-arid rangelands in South Africa harbour Hepatozoon canis and a Theileria species but apparently not Babesia rossi
Ongediertes: A critical qualitative study of farmer–black-backed jackal conflict and its management around the Square Kilometre Array core site in the Northern Cape, South Africa
Assessing local patterns in carnivore occupancy and richness by camera trapping: a monitoring of diversity at Verloren Vallei Nature Reserve, Dullstroom, Mpumalanga 2019.
Learning from science and history about black‐backed jackals Canis mesomelas and their conflict with sheep farmers in South Africa.Nattrass, N., Drouilly, M., & O'riain, M. J. Mammal Review. (2020) Vol 50 (1), 101-111The black‐backed jackal...
Cunningham, P.L.Environment and Wildlife Consulting Namibia AbstractBlack-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) are responsible for much loss of small livestock throughout Namibia, but especially so in the predominantly sheep farming regions of southern...
Culling recolonizing mesopredators increases livestock losses:Evidence from the South African KarooNattrass, N., Conradie, B., Stephens, J, Drouilly, M.